Personal Training
No Excuses, Just Results
Our #1 Priority
Here is how we guarantee that
Trainers Who Care
We take your fitness goals seriously. We understand that losing weight and gaining muscle can be challenging, and our goal is to help you overcome hurdles and reach your goals.
Access To Training Expertise
With years of experience, we are capable of analyzing your body and creating a fitness plan that will help you reach your goals. Most plans include healthy eating and exercise, to ensure the best results for you. We work with you to keep you on track and motivated to reach your goals.
Road Map To Your Goals
We understand that adapting new fitness habits is difficult and often times fails. We work to change your view on fitness, so that it becomes apart of who you are and your lifestyle. We strongly believe that if you practice healthy habits, you will be able to obtain a healthy lifestyle.
Increased Motivation
Accelerated Results
Accountability Emphasis on Proper Technique
Decreased Risk of Injury
Individualized Programs based on Your Needs
Sport Specific and Younger Athlete Training
Magnum Functional Trainer
Swiss Balls and Bosu Balls
Elliptical Trainers
Free Weights
Plate Loaded Machines
Stationary Cycling
Training For All
Your Goals
About Your Trainer
John has been involved with personal training since 1993. John graduated from Indiana State University in 1993 with a B.S. in Exercise Science but with emphasis as a Fitness Specialist. He is certified through the American Council on Exercise as a personal trainer, AFAA certified resistance training specialist, and YMCA Fitness Leader.
"I absolutely love working with people and seeing progress and change. There is nothing more rewarding than getting a new client and helping them make lifestyle changes and seeing dramatic results. It is great to know that your coaching made a big difference in their life."
John has been a trainer since 1993 and has enjoyed many success stories. He is motivated by new challenges and seeing people get results.
Founder - Trainer
"John helped correct my imbalances and worked out my limitations from having a bad back."
"I knew right away, this is what I've needed! John takes it slow and personalizes it for you"
"Increased strength, increased energy, better sleep, and I've lost weight!"